Home of the Patriot

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Look deep into our history and you will understand that the struggle for freedom did not come easy or without cost. This website explores the foundation our country, the challenges we have overcome, the progress we have made, and the struggles we face to preserve  this great experiment we call Freedom. 

Content of this site

How did we get here?

A Breif History of how the founders of the United States of America broke the mold of traditional rule and gave birth to a new form of government. A country "of the people, for the people and by the people"(Abraham Lincoln)

The documents that define the United States of America

Click here to learn more about many of the great documents that define this country and what we stand for.

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The people that made it happen

The "IDEA" of a free country only goes so far without the men and women who are willing to put their life on the line when it counts. Click here to meet, honor and remember some of those that deserve all the honor and respect, that we, as a grateful nation, can give!


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